Monday 17 January 2011

Complete write off...but tis only a glitch ! I hope.....

This weekend has been a total write off, and I have no one to blame..accept myself...oh...and Mr "M" but Ill get to that in a sec.

Now please don't all hate me....let me explain...

I had one of those truly rotten days on Friday, which kicked in at about 10 am...from that point on I knew it was going to be a shocker.  Boy oh boy was I right.  But, I figured as I told everyone I was having a bad day, so therefore I was planning to drink alot and possibly kind of gave me reason to? And then I thought, as I had told everyone, hell, I may as well do it in style? Hmmm, and so I did.  8.30am finish and sobering up to see the empty pack of twenty in front of me (and remembering I had actually pinched some of my flatmates earlier on in the evening too).  Oh Alice, so, on Saturday, not only did I wake up (once I eventually had gone to bed) with the fear, stinking of cigarettes, and wanting to beat myself with a big nasty (sh*ty) stick for smoking I also realised there was no chance of my 10K that I had planned for that day.  But lets be fair, what are the chances of me going running after a session like that?

So this weekend, I have done...nothing.  And I'm so frustrated with myself, but I knew I was going to have a slip up, and lets be honest, it is me we're talking about, theres no point us all pretending that I'm suddenly going to turn into Mother Theresa Eh?

Now, I also wanted to update you on Mr "M", so ..I successfully completed two dates and he arranged the third for Sunday...We had planned to get a take away and watch a movie (at his, don't worry, I did text the address to nearly everyone I knew "just in case") to get to his on time I would have to leave mine at there I am...doing my 'fro @ 5.20 when I get a text:

"Hey, I'm starving so going to eat shortly, might be worth grabbing something before you come over :-)"

Errrr, what?

We're going to have some food and watch a movie but youre going to eat now? On your own?

So once again, I don't make it to the third date (I cancelled as had no food in and hell, Im not eating my dinner on the tube just cause he's hungry at 5.30 and cant wait 50 mins)..he wants to meet up this Friday instead for a movie and some wine...I may just text him @ 6.00 pm on Friday to tell him I was bored so Ive watched the movie, drunk the drink, eaten all the food and see how he likes it.


Yes, very.

Heres to a new week of running, no smoking, and no boys to distract me.....please let my willpower kick back in...boy oh boy do I need it....

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