Monday 10 January 2011

Lost my Mojo...

well, I haven't actually ever got my whole running maybe I should say I've lost my "Mo".

 I was *SO* lifted by my little run at the weekend, I realised that after giving up the cigs I could actually run/walk and not want to collapse to the floor while clutching my chest.  I could actually do it! But then, today came.  Oh my, what a killer.
I bought a great little ruck sack so I could run home from work, and take my stuff home...Genius plan right? No.  Rubbish.  Possibly my worst idea. 
You've all seen how I pack, I cant pack, so I strap on a rucksack that a Marine would be able to live for a 6 month tour with, and leave the office....I think ill start off with a light jog...WOAH, what is this? Have I suddenly taken up running on a boat? Why am I violently moving from side to side? This is meant to be a proper running rucksack, with more straps than a straight jacket yet its still doing this?

So I walk for a little bit and then try again, this time I have tightened the straps and try to run while holding them outward...picture "Knees up Mother Brown" with Braces on your trousers? Pictured it? Well, that was me with my rucksack...So, I'm holding the straps tight and slightly out, trying not to wibble wobble over, when I turn the corner and get hit with the strongest wind slap bang in the face, so much so I'm not moving anywhere.  I consider turning round to run with the wind..but obviously...completely pointless as thats where I've just come from, so, I did what Alice would do and you would all expect me to do.........
I got in a huge strop, and decided to walk to teach myself a lesson (had only made it 1/2 way along the Southbank) So, this evening, I walked home from work, about 6 1/2 miles, for no reason what so ever, while mentally beating myself up and putting myself down, and listening to Beverly Craven on loop...we are our own hardest critics huh? Am now frozen, have no feeling in my feet, am hugely disappointed in myself, my back is agony and I'm really worried about my taste of music.

But, since Ive been sitting here moaning and sulking, Ive realised this is just a down day.  Its going to take me time to be any good at this running lark, I cant expect miracles !! So, tomorrow the ruck sack can stay at home, and I'm going to give it another go.  And not throw a strop that a 3 year old would be jealous of.

Oh, I probably should say, my lack of energy might have something to do with my date on Sunday night! Nooo...not that....honestly....but it was a late night on a school night and lots of fun! But have decided I probably shouldn't say too much as I don't want to tempt fate, so all I'll tell you is, Mr "M" was on top form, a true gent, funny and pretty cute, I on the other hand:

  1. was 20 mins late (bus drivers road rage = scary and frankly annoying)
  2. so desperately hungover from a friends 30th it was unbelievable
  3. made completely inappropriate and stupid comments throughout the night

Mr "M" - "Dame Helen Mirren is amazing isn't she? She looks so good for her age?"
Alice - "Completely! my friend and I have decided that the older you get, the more appreciative you are of the older woman..if she came on to me I would? I mean..come on, its Helen Mirren"

You "would"? Oh my sweet lord Alice.  You "would"?? You're on a date, with a cute guy, and you're saying this? Classy...

Funnily enough though he wants to see me again, lord know why...oh...maybe because he now thinks I'm into girls?!?!?! Hurrumph.

Here's to a new day tomorrow....


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