Tuesday 15 March 2011

Oh, That'll be the half then....please let it be a half pint of beer not anything else....

Four sleeps to go till "Judgement day"

I'm going to be completely honest with you, I am, and have been, dreading this half Marathon more than the actual London Marathon.  Back in October I have to admit it all seemed a little bit like a joke, well not a joke, but something to tell people?

Let me explain.  At the end of last year, I was doing so much dating I couldve put Cilla Black out of business.  But during these dates, I kept on getting unstuck with the familiar line:

DATE: "So, Alice, what do you do in your spare time...you know, other than serial dating obviously" *said with a little wink and accompanied by amused laughter from him to show he's joking*

ME: *oh, bugger.  How does he know? Ok...style it out..* "Ha ha, crikey, as if I could find the time ! (Mr failed date number 22.5) Erm...lots of things really...erm.....socialising (dating)...catching up with friends (drinking/dating)...erm....go to the gym (once..there was a good shop next door) ..and errr....well, to be honest..works pretty busy at the moment and takes up alot of my time"

DATE: "Oh.  Ok.  Erm. " *well that was a conversation killer...maybe more booze is the way forward for tonight.....*

But now, its brilliant !!

DATE:  "So, Alice, what do you do in your spare time...you know, other than serial dating obviously" *said with a little wink and accompanied by amused laughter from him to show he's joking*

ME: *laughing along with him* "Well, the usual really! Work keeps me pretty busy at the moment, but Im actually also training for the London Marathon! Even though you probably couldnt tell *while pointing at the wine glass and still chuckling*

DATE: "Really? Wow.  Ive always wanted to run a marathon.....you must be pretty fit to do that  *he says with a cheeky wink* (little does he know...) We could go running together next time if you like? I know some great runs that I'ld like to show you?"

And then, you've got him.  He's arranged the second date and actually thinks youre interesting! Not completely shallow only into shopping, cheeky after work drinks, smoking and eating fast food on most nights.  Wow, I have succeeded in making myself out to be someone else, and I didnt even have to technically lie!

Then fast forward to present day.  Sadly, it cannot be kept as just a good dating line, and I actually have to do it.  So, last Saturday I took myself out for my longest run as promised...

Route: New Route
Activity: Run
Google Maps URL: http://maps.google.com/?q=http://share.abvio.com/6161/3a02/4ced/7ce9/Runmeter-Run-20110312-1206.kml
Shortened Google Maps URL: http://j.mp/f0ohSw
Started: 12 Mar 2011 12:06:26 PM
Run Time: 1:50:15
Stopped Time: 30:33
Distance: 11.00 miles
Average: 10:02 /mile
Fastest Pace: 3:03 /mile
Climb: 154 feet
Calories: 0
Official Route: No

So...thats a couple of miles off the half marathon...lets see how Saturday pans out....this my friends is now getting serious....32 days till the big "M"


P.S Just FYI...I havent actually received any thing through the post from the London Marathon..i.e red laces...racing number...which others got sent to them 2 days ago!  Am now getting pretty nervous that I've messed up and actually dont have a place so all of this has been for nothing....Well, I say nothing, but after taking delivery of the below, I could always eat all the gels, drink all the drinks and then see what happens?! Who's in??

1 comment:

  1. Where is the half marathon you're running? Have you got people along the route giving you jelly babies?
