Saturday 16 April 2011


Errrr....hummmm.......oh Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

And breathe...

Well..its been a roller coaster hasnt it? Now, in a strange way, even though Ive been knocked sideways by getting tonsillitis (no...sadly not from kissing..) I've actually had a good final week in the run up to the big day.

I was so down when the doctor mumbled the words "You cant run" on Wednesday..first I thought "how the hell does she know? has she seen me?" And then realised in fact she meant because of the tonsils, which FYI could also quite frankly be mistaken for elephant testicals right now. 
I immediately burst into tears....she then immediately doubled the dosage of penicillin and pain killers..and upon that moment I did what any other 31 year old girl would so.  I ran out of her office and then moaned and sobbed on life was Marathon dream was over....woah woah me. And then all my friends were superb !! Seriously, I am SO lucky to have you all in my life!

They all gave me lots of love and condolence...but also, a much needed virtual slap round the face:

"Man up Waite" .....and my favourite...... "People run it with missing limbs? Youve got a sore throat" hellooo reality check.

And then, before I knew it, its Saturday and I havent suffered from any nerves !!!

Until now. Right this very minute. Sitting in my room looking at my red Virgin London Marathon kit bag, royally sh*tting myself.

For those interested, when I was feeling much fitter I was semi on track for a 4hr 50 finish but now theres no way thats going to happen. I am now just going to go, and try to enjoy the day and atmosphere as much as I can, and hope I dont finish it in last place.  Even though that would be pretty cool?

So, this is it people, no more excuses, nothing more I can do, tomorrow at 7am I am donning my pink outfit and joining the 35,643 other runners taking part. I wish all my other friends taking part the best of luck too, I also cant wait to see some of my favourite faces in the guys will be so so important for me. Thankyou for everything all...see you on the other side !! xxx


  1. Best of luck hun xx

  2. Came through another art blog.:)

    that was quiet a nice read .
    Hope you are better by now

  3. Thankyou for your comment much better now..just lacking two toenails ! :-)
