Monday 15 August 2011

A trip down memory lane...

So, this Saturday I found myself sitting in my mums house after coming back from a party in Southampton at my first ever boyfriends house. Sure, we were 9/10 when we dated, I've since found out he didnt even know that we were dating (story of my life) and it turns out that about a week after I left school to move to Kent, he had his first kiss ! Not with me..obvs.  Anyway, it got me all emotional, so I dared to do the the wardrobe thats never to be opened in my old bedroom.  To be fair its only never to be opened because, well, anyone that knows me knows Im a messy untidy little tyke and I was pr-ett-y scared as to what I might find...but instead I hit upon a little treasure trove.

And there, on top of some old posters of Marky Mark, Just 17 magazines and some Helter Skelter tapes (we were all there people) I found my old school folder from my Senior School..check it out....

 Wow..the "lurve page".  Sadly, I think this was when I was 11, and not to dwell on things too much, but my crush Andrew actually told me he'ld rather be gay than go out with me.  And I still decided to carry on crushing on him.  As you can see I even drew a picture of him (fat Ronnie left) telling me (fat Ronnie right) to go away? Wowzer Alice... Anyway anyway anyway, the best bit was actually in my folder...

It turns out that actually, Im semi doing the job that my little 11 year old self wanted to do..kinda...

Well...who's laughing now eh Miss? Ill give you 7/10 and "Most imaginative", looking at my life now I shouldve got 10/10.  I am working in advertising, I will watch anything to do with Gypsies, I love driving fast *, housework stinks, and frankly beer does make myself, & everyone else "hilarious".

So all in all my 11 year old self had my life pretty much planned out, and I just didn't realise it.

Can someone now help me find something that will help me figure out the rest of my life please? must be around here somewhere.....

*but well aware its a limit not a target, Officer


  1. Amazing. I love the "stream of conciousness" feel to the prose as well. 7/10.

  2. Why thankyou Tim, am chuffed with another 7/10 ;-) xx

  3. I also note your desire to be around firemen.
