Thursday 30 December 2010

2010! yes, I admit it, I was a little down last night, so it it set me of athinking about failure etc.....  Yet today Ive been thinking even further...and then it hit me, whoah whoah whoah Alice, why so sad about this recent date going wrong? Look back at 2010 and see how much fun you've had !! And this is down to you putting yourself out there, and giving dating a go....and boy oh boy did you give dating a go...

You've been to some amazing places, gigs, fabulous meals out, theatre, Albert Hall, bars, more bars, even more bars, Zoo, another bar, cooked dinners in, oh, and another bar.  And its been GREAT!

Then I thought I'd test myself, and remember the wonderful men *ahem*...and some of their fantastic final parting words...and what a mix they have been, I certainly don't have a type that's for sure! So, out the Filofax came, and here's some of my memorable people on the list...see if you can remember any of these...I know some reading will...don't names..promise ;-)

  • Revolving door moment when I went back to the ex.  Girls, you were right, you're always right, he's is an ex for a reason! Just took me three goes to realise!
  • The guy who proudly told people "I couldve got her back to mine easily that night" - hmm, but the whole point is you didn't did you? Prat
  • The man who said our friends are too different, so there was no way we could have a relationship
  • "Ill just hurt you Alice...."
  • "Sunday Beers?" text - err, how about no?
  • Helping a lovely man realise...that actually he's still completely in love with his ex
  • The gorgeous man that I drunkenly accused of tripping me up when I actually tripped over my own foot in the middle of Carnaby Street...the same night that someone in the pub nearly glassed me (by accident) so had white wine all over my face and top. That was the first sign to go home ! sorry for this BTW you know who!!
  • Water date boy "I thought I'd get you water in a glass...slightly more classy than drinking it out of a bottle" (as I had a bottle of water from earlier in my hand) who then made the hideous evening drag on even more so I could buy him another apple juice...with straw it was fair as we then both bought a drink
  • The dude who let his kitten jump on my face and scratched my eye and face so it bled, and then shouted at me and said it was my fault as I mustve been winding the little ball of fluff up
  • And then my personal favourite, after a quick drink with a guy I met on the underground (train guy he shall now be known as), I ordered my kebab with a nod of my head, and then got a backie to my flat on a young mans electric wheelchair.  *THAT* my friends, was a fun, memorable night
So, the basics is, 2010, as much as I say I'm glad you're over, and I cant wait till 2011, actually, you've been pretty freaking brilliant and I thankyou for all of the above.  I *SO* cant wait till 2011,



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