Thursday 30 December 2010

best thing

about being upset is realising that you have people all around you. Seriously, sometimes you feel so so alone, but by the wonders of facebook, text, or twitter you realise you're not ! Who said social networking is a curse!

This evening I've had a real closure evening, but as someone said to me earlier, I run away from things so I don't have to deal with the heartbreak. This is true, but sometimes I put myself out there, because, well, I know I'm going to get hurt, but I keep on giving people one more chance.

Anyway, you know what, you can come out of all of this a much more positive person.  You make yourself stronger, you are here to be good to people, but don't let people walk all over you....but you also know who are the most important people in your life. And by god, you get in touch with people that you've only seen and met a few times in your life, and they end up knowing you so so well and being so valuble and important to you, I LOVE social networking my friends! I am a computer geek...and proud !! (School Disco peeps, you're still here....YAY!10 years huh!)

At the end of the day, you  know you all are important to me. No matter how we met,  whether you are a constant in my life or whether we met at school (when in fairness we probably didn't get on!)  All you have to know is I value everything you say to me, have said to me, and your presence in my life. As unfortunately, you guys are what make me.  That's it. Its your fault you fuckers ...*ahem*
So thankyou all, this will be my last serious blog, roll on 2011 when we can all look to the future and not look back in the past.

Big love to all, god I cant wait till work tomorrow......

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